Freedom of information (FOI)

You have the right to access documents we hold under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). This page outlines how to make an FOI request.

About FOIs

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act):

  • gives everyone the right to access copies of documents (except exempt documents) held by the Australian Government and its agencies
  • requires government agencies to make FOI decisions and provide access to any documents released online in a FOI disclosure log
  • requires government agencies to publish a broad range of information under the Information Publication Scheme (IPS).

Make an FOI request

The Department of Health and Aged Care provide FOI services for the Australian Clinical Trials website.

Please visit the Freedom of information page on Health and Aged Care’s website to learn:

  • how to make an FOI request
  • how Health process an FOI request
  • about the disclosure log
  • about the IPS.
Date last updated:
  • About clinical trials